Blues Radio in the United Kingdom . . .

United Kingdom
BBC Radio 2 FM 88-90.2
The Paul Jones Show
Paul Jones
Thu 8-9 pm

CMR-FM and
ASTRA Channel 50
The Blues Angle
Tim Prescott and Mike Moore
Wed 10 pm-midnight

Bridgwater, England
BCR-FM 107.4
Late Nignt Blues
Alan Newman
Sun 10-11 pm

Cardiff, Wales
BBC Radio Wales-AM 882
show's name?
host's name?
Thu 7-8 pm

Glasgow, Scotland
BBC Radio Scotland FM 94.3
The Blues & Soul Show
Dougie Vipond
Mon 7-9 pm, Sat 1-3 pm

Harrogate, England
Stray FM 97.2
Jazz and Blues
Adam Chambers
Tue 8-10 pm

Hull, England
BBC Radio North FM 94.5
Northern Blues Diary
Henry Ayrton
Sun 9-10 pm

Ipswich, England
Radio Suffolk FM 104.6
Suffolk Blues
Stephen Foster
Sat 7-8 pm

London, England
Raven 'n' Blues
Dave Raven
Wed 6:30-7:30 pm

Jazz FM 102.2
The Soul Cellar
Peter Young
Sat midnight-5 am

Jazz FM 102.2
Jazz Me Blues
Paul Jones
Sat 2-5 pm

Manchester, England
Jazz FM 100.4
The Soul Cellar
Peter Young
Sat midnight-5 am

Pontypridd, Wales
GTFM-FM 106.9
The Blues Show
Bob and Norm
Mon 10 pm-midnight

York, England
Vixen 87-FM 87.9
The Blues Programme
Steve Jessney
Wed 7:30-9 pm, May and November

Yorkshire Dales, England
Yorkshire Dales Radio AM 936 and 1413
Jazz and Blues
Adam Chambers
Tue 8-10 pm

Yorkshire Dales Radio AM 936 and 1413
Nostalgia, Jazz and Blues
David Sibbald
Sun 7-10 pm

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