The 1996 St. Louis Blues Heritage Festival . . .

. . . won't exactly go down in history as the occasion for the First Annual Blues-L Convention -- next to nobody showed -- but for a few hardcore 'zellers, it was an occasion they'll never forget. Please enjoy these photos courtesy of P.W. and Roz Fenton. You can click the smaller image to see the full-color jpeg. The jpegs range from 22k to 30k in size.

Homesick James and Henry Townsend
on Saturday morning at the River Stage.

P.W. Fenton finds the Hurricane stand!
Note the St. Louis Arch through the hazy sky.

Left: P.W. Fenton, B.B. King, Dick Waterman, Rufus Thomas
as Dick presents a photograph to B.B. on behalf of Blues-L.

Right: Blueszellers Pat Hertel, Jeff Yelton, Dick Waterman,
and P.W.'s wife, the ever and oh-so lovely Roz Fenton.

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Images copyright © 1996 by P.W. Fenton

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