African-American Sites, Other Blues Sites . . .

griot Africa Online Africa's gateway to the Internet. News and links.
African Perspective An All-Africa newsweekly.
African-American History Month As presented by MENC.
The African-American Mosaic At the Library of Congress.
AFRO American Almanac All about the African-American.
AfroRoots An African and African-American search engine.
Beta4Africa An excellent resource covering modern Africa.
Black Facts Online It's an excellent black history database.
Black Quest An educational game on CD-ROM, and more.
BlackVoices It's a community. Membership required.
A Deeper Shade Of Black Literature, film, and a black history database.
EverythingBlack.Com They've got thousands of links to ... everything black.
FSA/OWI Photographs Depression-era photos from the Library of Congress.
Gravity A remarkable cyber-community from Meanderings' Cuda Brown.
The MUNIRAH Chronicle An excellent black history LISTSERV with archives.
NAACP Online The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture At the New York Public Library.
Southern Poverty Law Center Teaching tolerance from Montgomery, Alabama.
The Universal Black Pages A "complete" guide to everything African-American.
Village Pulse Outpost Offering West African field recordings and beautiful images.

Blues Newsgroups

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bit.listserv.blues-l Read from blues lovers in the finest newsgroup there is. Another fine newsgroup for blues lovers everywhere.

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